Midtown Planning
Walkable Midtown Plan
After a year of public input, consultant and staff meetings and design discussions, City Council
voted unanimously to adopt the plan in December 2020. The plan’s policy guidance for how
new housing and jobs can be accommodated in a walkable way is now in place. The next step
is identifying funding for specific capital projects that will implement the plan’s vision for a more
walkable and connected Midtown. The report includes the overarching theme that encompasses seven big steps toward realizing a more walkable and livable Midtown Raleigh. To see the report's executive Summary click here.
The Major components include:
Crossing the belt-line - the plan includes two new crossings, one multi-modal/vehicular and one pedestrian/cycling;
Creation of 'green streets' providing safer experiences for pedestrians, slower vehicle speeds on wider roads; better storm water diversions and a more green feel;
Creation of a street grid, allowing at times to move traffic to less congested routes with the ultimate goal of keeping traffic moving;
A long term transit approach including better and more reliable connections to downtown, NC State and other popular destinations, plus pursuing BRT in the Midtown service area;
Creation of a Midtown Ring, a complete loop of greenways, green streets, separated bike lanes and paths that connects every major destination in the area with each other and the residential neighborhoods nearby;
Exploration, design and ultimate creation of a Midtown Waterfront District including crossings of the Crabtree creek, an activated park area creating an urban destination for midtowners and visitors; and
Respectful placement of new mixed-use developments near walkable, transit-friendly locations.
Six Forks Road Improvements Plan
On June 5, 2018 at the evening session of City Council, the Six
Forks Road Improvements plan was unanimously adopted by
council. During a required public hearing, representatives from
the public and from MRA spoke in support of the plan and
council members voted shortly thereafter 8-0 to adopt the
transformative corridor plan.
The Six Forks Road Improvement Project is a result of a corridor study that also helped to guide the design concepts that we are proposing.
Project highlights include:
Widening road to accommodate three lanes of travel in each direction with a planted median;
Separated bike lane and sidewalks on each side of the road;
Signal improvements and protected intersections for cyclists and pedestrians;
Transit stops;
Landscaping and other amenities.