Join the City of Raleigh and Midtown Raleigh Alliance to discuss our vision for Midtown! We're
holding a series of events to talk about what's happening in Midtown and what opportunities
exist for its future. We'll discuss development, transportation and other issues and ask for your
input on priorities. We hope you can come to one! Can't make it to one of the events? You can find information about the study at raleighnc.gov and search "Midtown". You can also
take a survey starting in December at planningforraleigh.com.
SAT., DECEMBER 1 9:30 TO 11:00 AM
Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church 4921 Six Forks Road
MON., DECEMBER 3 6:00 TO 7:30 PM
Five Points Center for Active Adults 2000 Noble Road
WED., DECEMBER 5 6:00 TO 7:30 PM
Hudson Memorial Presbyterian Church 4921 Six Forks Road