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MRA Top Transportation Priority Finally Getting Council's Attention - Opinion Needed by Nov 10th!

The City Council is having to reassess the Six Fork Road Improvement project after numerous delays resulting in escalating costs. In 2011, the project was initiated by MRA, who requested a community visioning workshop. This workshop led to an exhaustive study of options and substantial community engagement. In 2017, funding was secured for the project's largest phase through the passage of a transportation bond. The council adopted the plan in 2018, but the funds remain unused five years later, leaving residents and businesses in limbo. The staff has explored various options and is now seeking your input. Two things are clear at this point. First, the cost escalation is due almost entirely to the city's inaction for the past several years; and any plan option that doesn't include widening fails to meet the study's original goals. After a decade of involvement, numerous paid consultants, and over 50 public meetings, the Midtown community deserves a real solution. These road improvements were factors in the approval of several rezoning cases around Midtown. Below is their request for your input.

What is it? If you live, work, or visit Midtown, specifically the Six Forks Corridor, you've heard about and/or been involved in the Six Forks Road Improvement Plan. Design for the road from Rowan Street to Lynn Road began in 2020 and involves lane expansion, roadway improvements, and bike and pedestrian lane options. Now, the city needs more input from you. What is happening now? The project started in the spring of 2020, with a budget of $31.3M. However, with the significant increase in real estate and construction costs since 2020, the new budget for this proposed project is $119.0M. This large funding gap cannot be addressed with the City’s current funding resources. What does this mean? City staff has come up with 5 options to address the funding gap and wants your input on which direction to proceed. For more information and to weigh-in on the options, visit their Public Engagement Page.

October 17, 2023 - City Council Presentation


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