By improving mobility and connectivity, this project will create a safe and comfortable corridor for pedestrian, bicycle, and vehicular traffic. The City of Raleigh plans to make some exciting improvements on Six Forks Road between Rowan Street and Lynn Road.
Proposed Improvements Include:
New Bikeways;
New Sidewalks;
Protected intersections;
Green Stormwater Infrastructure; and,
Design Considerations
They are in the early design phase for this Project. During this phase of the design they are working out elements of the project such as:
Lane widths - Making a consistent lane width through the corridor;
Speed limit - Reducing the speed limit;
Protected intersections - Create corner “islands” that create a setback for bike and pedestrian users to wait for oncoming vehicle traffic to pass. The islands also force vehicles to reduce their speed when turning while providing additional visibility of pedestrians and cyclists trying to cross the street.
Public art - Architect and public artist Carrie Gault is gathering inspiration and learning about the Six Forks Road community. Learn more about the proposed public art for this project.
Check out the full project information!